Postal Stamp Image |
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Stamp Issue Date |
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21/06/1977 |
Postage Stamp Dinomination |
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0.25 |
Postal Stamp Serial Number |
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0849 |
Postal Stamp Name |
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Stamp Information |
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Parliament of India consists of two Houses, namely, the Council of States and the House of People.
After the first General Elections held in 1952, the Council of States, better knon as Rjya Sabha, as constituted on April 3, 1952 and met under the Chairmanship of Vice-President Dr. Servapalli Radhakrisjhnan for its first sesion on May 13, 1952. Rajya Sabha has completed 25 years of its life and the issue of this commemorative stamp is part of the celebrations to amrk the occasion.
The total number of members of the Rajya Sabha which on its initial constitution was 216, is at present 244- 226 representatives from the States hich are sonstituent units of the Indian Union, 6 from the Union Territories and 12 nominated members. The Rajya Sabha, unlike the Lok Sabha, is not subject of dissolution but one-third of its member retire on the expiration of every second year. The continuity of the Rajya Sabha acquires a special significance when the Lok Sbha stands dissolved. It is then that the Rajya Sabha discharges the obligations of Parliament to look after the nation's interests.
During the 25 years of its life, Rajya Sbha has done valuable work in the Legislative as well as other fields of Parliamentary activity and has more than fulfilled the expectations of the framers of our Constitution. The Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha togather represent the majesty and sovereignty of the Indian people.
The Posts and Telegraphs Department feels privileged to bring out a commemorative postage stamp to mark the 25 years of life and incidentally the 101st Session of this House of the Indian Prliament. |
Philatelic Stamp Description |
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The design of the stamp is a view of the Chamber of the Rajya Sabha in the Prliament House. |
Stamp Currency |
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P |
Stamp Type |
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Stamp Language |
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English |
Stamp Overall Size |
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3.91 X 2.90 cms |
Postal Stamp Print Size |
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3.5 x 2.54 cms. |
Number of Stamps Per Sheet |
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35 |
Stamp Perforations |
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13 x 13 |
Postal Stamp Shape |
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Horizontal |
Postage Stamp Paper |
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Unwatermarked paper |
Indian Stamp Process |
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Photogravure |
Number of stamps printed |
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30,00,000 |
Stamp Printed At |
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India Security Press |
Indian Stamp's Color |
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Multicolour |